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Revit Vaughn, leather jacket

Kategorie: Sport , Ausrüstung

Marke: Revit

Produktcode: 9060_8283_45576

In both brown and black versions, the Vaughn offers the iconic style of a diagonal zipper combined with very special leather. The two tone buffalo...

$ 395,72
Auf Lager

In both brown and black versions, the Vaughn offers the iconic style of a diagonal zipper combined with very special leather. The two tone buffalo leather used for this jacket received a treatment that uses dying and waxing during the tumbling process. Thanks to this treatment the color seeps into the leather, allowing the wax to give the leather its shine. Anyone wearing the Vaughn will instantly experience the suppleness of the jacket. In addition to the diagonal zipper, the supple padding on the shoulders and elbows hint towards the café racing era, just like the zipper operated pockets across the front of the jacket. As supple as the leather feels, it is up to the motorcyclist’s safety standards thanks to its highly abrasion resistant characteristics. Thanks to using our extremely thin Seesmart™ protectors on shoulders and elbows only the sharp eyed will identify the Vaughn as a motorcycle jacket. With ultra-thin protectors, we managed to create a silhouette that will fool anyone into thinking it’s a fashion jacket. It’s the combination of high quality leather, Seesmart™ protectors and the use of safety stitching that makes it a true motorcycle jacket albeit in disguise. The Vaughn is optionally upgradable by installing our Seesoft™ level 2 back protector. Features
two tone buffalo leather Protection Seesmart™ protection at shoulders and elbows prepared for Seesoft™ level 2 back protector insert safety stitching city fit, regular short connection zipper jeans loop V-flap at cuffs slit pockets document pocket inner pockets

Kategorie Sport / Ausrüstung
Marke Revit
Produktcode: 9060_8283_45576

In both brown and black versions, the Vaughn offers the iconic style of a diagonal zipper combined with very special leather. The two tone buffalo leather used for this jacket received a treatment that uses dying and waxing during the tumbling process. Thanks to this treatment the color seeps into the leather, allowing the wax to give the leather its shine. Anyone wearing the Vaughn will instantly experience the suppleness of the jacket. In addition to the diagonal zipper, the supple padding on the shoulders and elbows hint towards the café racing era, just like the zipper operated pockets across the front of the jacket. As supple as the leather feels, it is up to the motorcyclist’s safety standards thanks to its highly abrasion resistant characteristics. Thanks to using our extremely thin Seesmart™ protectors on shoulders and elbows only the sharp eyed will identify the Vaughn as a motorcycle jacket. With ultra-thin protectors, we managed to create a silhouette that will fool anyone into thinking it’s a fashion jacket. It’s the combination of high quality leather, Seesmart™ protectors and the use of safety stitching that makes it a true motorcycle jacket albeit in disguise. The Vaughn is optionally upgradable by installing our Seesoft™ level 2 back protector. Features
two tone buffalo leather Protection Seesmart™ protection at shoulders and elbows prepared for Seesoft™ level 2 back protector insert safety stitching city fit, regular short connection zipper jeans loop V-flap at cuffs slit pockets document pocket inner pockets

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